The ceremonies I offer

We’re each a collection of beautiful things. Of our outlook. Our loves and passions. Of experiences. Upbringing. Deeds.

How we say something. The roll of our laugh. Even the face we pull when we eat something sour.

It’s these things – the whole collection of everything that makes us who we are – that makes the memories and leaves the mark on those around us.

And they make our lives mean less of our timeline and more of our spark. Our drive and essence. The impression we leave behind….

As a funeral celebrant, the ceremonies I create capture the spark and reflect the impression of the person we’ve come together to honour. And I give the comfort needed to say farewell with love and celebration.

Since there are no limitations to all that makes us who we are, there are no true limits to what can be included in a ceremony.

The only limits that have any muster are our imaginations and time….

A Funeral Ceremony

This takes place with their coffin, and usually at a cemetery or a crematorium.

A Memorial Ceremony

This can take place anywhere, and often has their ashes or their photo as the focal point.

Whether itโ€™s a funeral or a memorial ceremony you’re looking to hold, what we create together will be a gathering of two halves.

01 / For the person who has died:
  • To honour, celebrate, and remember them;
  • To mark the end of their life.
02 / For those left behind:
  • To comfort, console, and support each other;
  • To say farewell to the person theyโ€™ve lost.

And how you and I balance these two halves will be as broad in scope as weโ€™re all unique, and entirely guided by you.

Helpful links…

From the questions asked to readings and music – find out what’s needed to create a ceremony:

From first contact to the ceremony day – find out how I work: